Centre forĀ Global Socio-Economic Change

CFGSEC Membership

From deliverables to impact

The deliverables of the Centre consist of structured data, algorithms and new insights. These new insights are summarized in its yearly ‘World Prosperity Outlook’. In all of its activities, the Centre will continue to emphasize the importance of fact-based information, the limitation of GDP as a measure for prosperity and the urgent need for reliable forecasting results in policy making. More specific, the Centre will strengthen its theoretical and empirical capability to monitor and analyze the socio-economic transition paths in the world, using also satellite data, as well as to further improve the relationship of these transition paths with the dynamics of migration flows and environmental deterioration.

Moreover, the Centre will continue to visualize the latest changes in prosperity on a global (inter) and local (intra) scale, as well as the latest insights into how these changes relate to shifts in the critical consumption patterns (such as energy, food and water). Think particularly at the global energy transition and the global scarceness of clean water. All of this again will provide new insight into the impact of these shifted consumption patterns on future big markets and, above all, on the total sustainability performance of these markets. Moreover, the Centre will broaden its socio-economic relationships by carefully including the concept of causality. Last but not least, the Centre will assist organizations in risk identification and forward-looking decision making by applying its fact-based forecasting capability to their in-house needs.

In the near future, membership of CFGSEC will be open for any organization in the public and private sector. Similar to the successful Delphi Geo-Imaging Consortium (ca. 30 international members), the Centre’s business model will also be based on the subscription concept. Each member pays a yearly subscription fee, depending on the type of membership. As a minimum deliverable, all members receive the Centre’s ‘World Prosperity Outlook’ and all members are invited to the yearly membership meetings, where results are reported and future plans are disclosed.

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